Treating Acid Reflux Disease With Diet And Lifestyle Changes

Smoking may increase your risk for heartburn and acid reflux disease in many ways. For example, it may increase the amount of acid secreted by your stomach and interfere with the function of muscles that help keep acid down. Reduce reflux while sleeping. These steps will help reduce reflux when you sleep: Put blocks under the head of your bed to raise it at least 4 to 6 inches. This helps keep your stomach’s contents down. However, it doesn’t work to simply use lots of extra pillows because this position may increase pressure on your abdomen. Stop eating at least two or three hours before lying down. Try sleeping in a chair for daytime naps. Lessen the pressure. Often, extra pressure around your abdomen increases acid reflux. Try these steps: Don’t wear tight clothes or tight belts. If you’re overweight or obese, take steps to lose weight with exercise and diet changes. Can Medication Help Heartburn? Over-the-counter medicine can help neutralize stomach acid. Antacids give quick, short-term relief for many people. Don’t overdo it, though, or you may trigger other side effects, such as diarrhea or constipation.

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Acid Reflux Diet

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But research has shown otherwise. Now it is more relevant to adopt an Acid Reflux Diet that can be used in conjunction with other medication that treats acid reflux disease or the diet can be followed alone. One of the main components of the Acid Reflux Diet is the management of your eating conditions. The Acid Reflux Diet can be followed quite simply and it does not involve purchasing special foods or supplements. Individuals with Acid Reflux disease might find that particular foods invoke an episode. Therefore, it is best to monitor your diet by excluding these foods that you feel aggravate your condition. PRO The Acid Reflux Diet is easy to follow It can help manage the symptoms of acid reflux disease It does not involve purchasing any special diet food or kitchen equipment Its avoidance of high fat foods and sugary sodas and its reliance on eating small meals spaced evenly throughout the day is a healthy way of eating CON The Acid Reflux Diet may not improve everyones condition who has acid reflux disease DIET and NUTRITION The Acid Reflux Diet revolves around eating small meals throughout the day rather than three large meals. When large amounts of food are consumed, the stomach is quickly filled and must work extra hard to produce stomach acid for digestion. Adopting a grazing style of eating ensures that the stomach does not get overloaded and that only small quantities of stomach acid are released to digest food. High fat meals or high fat food, particularly from fast-food chains, should be avoided since they tend to stay in the stomach longer. Not consuming alcohol, particularly beer, and soda is necessary since these beverages stimulate acid production in the stomach. Also, as part of the Acid Reflux Diet, you should remain upright for at least 45 minutes after each meal and have your last meal of the day three hours before going to bed. Lying down creates more of an opportunity for stomach acid to regurgitate up into the esophagus. EXERCISE The Acid Reflux Diet does not put forth any specific exercise guidelines; but exercise should not be done right after eating as this creates the potential for stomach acid to travel upwards and incite an acid reflux episode. CONCLUSION Even though there has been conflicting advice on foods to avoid for acid reflux sufferers, The Acid Reflux Diet is a guideline that debunks a lot of the previously held beliefs that specific foods trigger acid reflux disease. This diet rather focuses on a style of eating and lets the individual determine which foods to avoid based upon their own personal experience with this chronic condition.

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