Home Remedies For Acid Reflux In Babies

Diagnosis and Treatment of Acid Reflux in Infants and Children

Mayo Clinic experts advise holding a full bottle upside down; only a few drops of milk or formula should drop from the nipple at one time. You can also thicken your baby’s milk or formula using a little bit of rice cereal, if your child’s pediatrician is on board; however, you may need to enlarge the hole in the bottle’s nipple to allow the milk or formula to flow through. Feedings Try smaller feedings at increased intervals to reduce acid reflux. The Mayo Clinic advises feeding your infant around 1 oz. or even less or restricting breast-feeding to only one breast. Make sure to burp your baby right after she’s been fed. The Mayo Clinic cautions you against putting your baby over your shoulder, as this puts additional pressure on your baby’s tummy; rather, position her upright while holding her head with your hand. Positioning Post-feeding positioning can also decrease instances of acid reflux in your baby. The Mayo Clinic recommends sitting your child upright using a front pack, backpack or baby seat for 15 to 30 minutes after each meal (the American Academy of Pediatrics advocates upright positioning for a full 30 minutes). This permits gravity to work in your baby’s favor by keeping gastric acid in his tummy, not his esophagus. Make sure not to jostle your infant while his meal is still digesting.

visite site http://www.livestrong.com/article/97653-home-remedies-acid-reflux-babies/

How to Treat Acid Reflux in Babies

Laura Wilson Acid reflux can be an annoyance for adults who have to deal with it, but sometimes it even affects infants and children. Parents can be aware of diagnosis and treatment of reflux in their children so they know what to expect if their child shows symptoms of Gastroesophageal Reflux (GER). What is Gastroesophageal Reflux? Gastroesophageal reflux is caused when the contents of the stomach back up into the esophagus. The esophageal sphincter is the muscle that allows the contents pass through the esophagus into the stomach, and when that opens and allows food back out the opposite way it can cause discomfort from gastroesophageal reflux, commonly referred to as acid reflux. GER is actually fairly common in infants, usually because the esophageal sphincter has not fully developed, and the opening between the stomach and esophagus is not entirely closed, at least not all the time. In infants, the tell-tale sign of reflux is problems with spitting up. All babies spit up a little, but babies with reflux have extreme episodes where there are large amounts of regurgitation. Many infants with GER struggle with weight gain as a result. Symptoms of GER in Children While most infants outgrow reflux sometime around their first birthday, for some children it remains an ongoing problem. According to the National Digestive Diseases Information Clearinghouse in the article Gastroesophageal Reflux in Children and Adolescents symptoms of GER may include: Heartburn Vomiting Diagnosis of Acid Reflux Parents who are concerned about acid reflux in their children should speak to a doctor. There are several diagnostic methods used to confirm whether a child has GER. Barium Test: This is an x-ray taken of the upper digestive tract after a person swallows a white substance called barium which will show up on an x-ray. The test will show whether the barium is being allowed back into the esophagus from the stomach. Endoscopy: A child is sedated during this test so that a small wire with a camera can be inserted down the esophagus into the stomach. A doctor will be able to look at the area and take tissue samples to determine if the area has been damaged from acid reflux.

address http://suite101.com/a/diagnosis-and-treatment-of-acid-reflux-in-infants-and-children-a218719

It can also cause babies to aspirate on their food or drink. There are several types of treatments and remedies for treating acid reflux, ranging from medicinal to homeopathic. Medications for the Treatment of Acid Reflux in Babies For severe acid reflux symptoms, the child’s pediatrician may prescribe medicine such as Axid or Zantac. The child’s doctor should be informed of any changes that occur while on any medication. Pacifiers Have Been Proven to Help Treat Symptoms of Acid Reflux Pacifiers have been shown to increase saliva, which can neutralize some of the acid coming up, and help reduce acid reflux. Sucking on a pacifier at bedtime also decreases the occurrence of sudden infant death syndrome. Pacifiers should be checked often to make sure they are not old or gummy. Parents also need to make sure they purchase the correct size pacifier for the baby’s age to prevent choking. The age range can usually be found on the outside of the packaging. Avoid Overfeeding a Baby With Acid Reflux Babies with acid reflux should eat several small meals throughout the day to avoid overeating and should be burped often. If the mother is unable to breastfeed, there are many healthy alternatives, including formulas with added rice starch. However, rice should not be added to formula without talking to a pediatrician first. The child’s pediatrician may prescribe a special formula, such as Alimentum to help reduce spit-up.

view it http://suite101.com/a/how-to-treat-acid-reflux-in-babies-a179850

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